Sunday, December 18, 2005


Well, now I'm at home and I can finnaly switch my mind off for a while. Yesterday I visited my grandparents, which was super fun. But I did get to meet my cousin, which was cool (he has a roboraptor, it was very exciting!) and Sam came too, and I got to see his lip-ring (which looked a lot better on him than I expected). We also witnessed a drug-deal on the way home, and I didn't feel too good on account of eating too much, so I saw x-factor results and went to bed when we got back. Today we went to church, which was nice, and then we had roast beef! The excitement continues this afternoon as I have to clean out my fish and this evening we're going to the carrol serivive at church. I have a new policy this year of not constantly harrassing my friends to go out, as I have a shed-load of work to do. Consequently, I suspect this will be a very un-eventful christmas holiday as no one else is capable of initiating fun (a challenge, if any of you ever read this!), but I'll let you know how well I stick to that... Anyway, my fish becon (not litterally as captain Birdseye stole their fingers).


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