Three Quarters Done!!!
Just a quick post today as I've got a garage-load of work to do. I've been at uni since January now, not having left for longer than 3 days in a row, and starting to go a bit crazy with all the work I have to do, and missing Dave lots and lots. But I did go home twice over the holiday, which was nice, although brief, and I have at least done some work.
For example, I FINISHED MY DISSERTATION TODAY! It took ages to print, but now its all nicely bound, and handed in. It feels like a big chunk of my life's missing, and my degree's finished, so I don't have to do any work. Which is nice, but not very helpful, as I still have exams I've hardly done any revision for. But nevery mind, I'm sure it'll all work out in the end. In my experience, these things usually do...
In other news, I went to the hospital last week, and they told me I have gall stones! How exciting! Im glad they told me why I'm so ill, but it's not nice thinking about big lumps of yuck floating around inside you. At least now I know, and it's quite easy to fix, with minimum being sliced open, etc.
Other than that, I'm now officially three quarters of the way through the assessment for my degree, which hardly makes it seem important that I still have 2 exams to do. I just keep thinking about all the fun things I get to do over the summer! Plus finding a job, which absolutely terrifies me... Ahhhhhh! Well, thats something for me to think about another day. For the time being, I shall content myself with being scared of my exams.
Take care, everybody, xxx
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